Cyberabad police on Wednesday busted IPL cricket betting racket and nabbed 23 bookies while seizing over 93 Lakhs in cash and five cars including BMW. Based on the information that betting was on in seven places under Cyberabad on Tuesday, police nabbed 23 cricket bookies, Cyberabad Police Commissioner M Stephen Raveendra said.
Police said they have seized from the bookies betting boards, 247 mobile phones, 28 smartphones, 4 Tabs, and other electric equipment totally worth Rs 2.21 crore, including Rs 93 lakh in cash. Investigation revealed that online betting apps i“Fancy Life Entertainment Application, Live Line Guru, Cricket Mazza, Lotus, Bet-365, Bet fair used by the bookies.‘’The illegal cash payment transactions of Cricket betting is online, and also in cash when it is a large amount. The network of bookies has trapped many youths in the city had got addicted to playing high stakes thereby losing large sums of hard-earned money,’’ said CP Cyberabad Stephen Ravindra.Police have issued advisory asking cautionThe network of bookies has trapped many youths in the city, who have got addicted to playing high stakes and losing huge sums of hard-earned money, the police added. The police asked citizens to be vigilant about the following mobile apps: Bet 365, MPL, Betway, Dream Guru, My 11 Circle, Bet 365, Coral, Bwin, 777 Bet, Dafabet, Winner, Cricket Betting 2020, Just Bet, Betfred, Lotus Cricket Line.There is scope for Cybertheft of data of bank accounts and personal data, which may result in unauthorized money transfer and blackmailing using personal photos, data, etc. It requested citizens to provide information about betting and other related scams to Cyberabad Police Whatsapp No. 9490617444.
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